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Monday, November 7, 2011

A Tasty Adventure in Spain

Editor Note: During the JIW year, the girls learn about how to make healthy lifestyle choices. Inspired by lessons, executive director E. Moss shares her reflections on her culinary adventure in a recent trip to Spain.

During my recent visit to Spain I was so amazed at the array of fresh fruits, vegetables, juices,cheese, breads,olives and seafood. So many fresh choices and full of color. Allow me to tell you about one of my New favorite fruits, simply called: "Melon" in Spain.

The real name is: Piel de sapo melon, and is one of the popular melons originated from Spain. It is widely available in Europe. Its Spanish name, when translated, means "toad skin." Obviously in reference to this fruit's green blotched rind. It is usually oval in shape and the inside is off-white to light yellow in color.

I was first introduced "melon" during our first night when I ordered room service of all things! Yes that's right, I ordered room service during my first night in country known for good late night cuisine and tapas! I was tired from being up for 36 hours due to travel, change of time zone, and from hitting the ground running to see the beautiful city of Barcelona. Needless to say I ordered a green salad and a fresh fruit salad. There it was, this mystery white fruit. I said why not, let's try it.... So glad I did. It was very sweet and full of flavor and juice. Love at first bite. I was on a quest to learn more about this fruit.

The next day we took a trip to the Market of la Boqueria. This is one of the largest markets in Barcelona, and has been open for a little over 100 years.It is known for its enormous selection of fresh fish and seafood, vegetables, fruit, cheeses, olives, ham, chocolate, nuts and any other food Spain is famous for. As soon as we enter I was greeted with an incredible contrast of colors of fresh produce and fresh squeezed juices. And then it hit me, surely this place has my new love- Melon?!? A few steps in I find what I think is Melon. I point to the already cut fruit that appears to be what I ate the night before, and ask the vendor to show me this fruit in it's rare form. She points and I capture a picture of this what I think is rare fruit. After all I have to share a picture of my new love with my friends and family. I also invest in some pre cut Melon along with some other favorites like mango, strawberry, grapes, pineapple and kiwi. All of this for 3 euros!

This is the story of my new love , Melon. I could not bring my love back with me, however I hear that I can get Melon in some fresh markets in Florida. I am on a quest.
~Hasta la próxima ( until next time)

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